Dawn Heiderscheidt
Special guest
Dawn Heiderscheidt, BS, MOT, OTR/L, is an occupational therapist who helps human patients achieve independence with the therapeutic use of daily activities. She owns Aurora Indepedence, an out-patient mobile practice, and Aurora Living Solutions, a home health agency. She brought her dog, Odin, home several years ago, and realized quickly that she needed help. As she started training with him, she found she had a knack for it, and was offered a part-time position as a class assistant. Now, she’s working towards her dog training certification as she teaches group classes and private lessons in the Philadelphia area, and she shares her journey with Odin on her Instagram at odin_pup.
Dawn Heiderscheidt has been a guest on 1 episode.
Episode 11: Embarrassed: We Got a Handful
October 27th, 2020 | 38 mins 46 secs
behavior, dog, dog training, embarrassed, embarrassment, reactive dog, reactivity
Join Elizabeth of Telltail Dog and Dawn of Odin_Pup (https://www.instagram.com/odin_pup/) for a look into the handful that is Odin. Dawn's familiar with being severely embarrassed by her dog -- and she's a dog trainer.