Elizabeth Silverstein
Host of Telltail Dog
I’m Elizabeth.
Growing up, I didn’t think I had any natural ability with animals.
I wasn’t the sort of person that could look a dog in the eyes and just know what they were thinking. Some people do have that skill, and I find it fascinating.
Instead, I pursued my love of writing. I’ve been a writer for over thirteen years at this point, and you can see more of my work over at hewandweld.com, where I provide storytelling services for businesses. I use the art of interviewing to break down a narrative, and then I build it back up in a consumable. I’ve written for electronics companies, medical businesses, restaurants, and photographers.
In 2012, I started working with animals, though, while continuing my writing. While living in Colorado, I brought home my own little living creature, then I started dog sitting for friends. I took several dog training courses and slowly began to see that I could learn how to communicate with animals. There were science-based methods.
In 2016, I gave dog walking a chance after I moved to New Jersey, and then in 2017, I tackled a dog training internship on a southern New Jersey farm. I was quickly promoted to communications coordinator and Farm Camp manager. It was a sink or swim sort of environment that taught me a massive amount about dog behavior, since we primarily handled and trained dogs with behavioral issues while using positive reinforcement methods.
In less than a year, I was eligible to become certified through the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers, and I’ll sit for that this fall. The strenuous 250-question exam also requires 300 hours of hands-on dog training.
I moved to Little Rock in 2018 and quickly started volunteering with a few local rescues.
I started Telltail Dog Training because I saw a need for force-free, positive reinforcement training that focused on communication, while catering to the busy individual who might need drop-in evening and weekend classes.
We can all learn how to communicate with our pets, and I’m excited to help bridge the gap.
Elizabeth Silverstein has hosted 49 Episodes.
Episode 51: "He Definitely Has Some Big Feelings": Small Dogs and Reactivity with Bernadette Tow of Hershey the Weenie
October 17th, 2023 | 24 mins 58 secs
career changes, city dogs, dachshund, positive reinforcement, reactivity
Bernadette Tow had always wanted a dachshund but didn't grow up with dogs. Her husband surprised her about five years ago with the option of bringing home a puppy, and raising Hershey inspired her to learn more about dog training and behavior. After a career switch, she earned a Diploma in Canine Behaviour Science and Technology (Dip. CBST) from CASI (Companion Animal Sciences Institute), and is studying with the Academy for Dog Trainers. She is a co-trainer with Raintown Dog Training in Vancouver, BC, Canada and teaches puppy, basic manners, and tricks classes. She also works part-time at Petite Paws Playcare, which is a small dog daycare. We discussed how she ended up with Hershey, handling reactivity in an apartment, and why she switched careers.
Episode 50: “I Started To See We Were Making Progress": Trick Training for Confidence with Kaylin of Luna the Trick Dog
August 9th, 2023 | 40 mins 3 secs
do more with your dog, positive reinforcement, pupfluencer, rescue dog, trick training
Kaylin wasn't looking for a small dog, but when she met Luna, she knew she was the one. They started off with more compulsion-based training, and Luna was having a hard time. When they discovered positive reinforcement, Luna started thriving. Now, they are pupfluencers, showing off their skills under Luna the Trick Dog on Instagram. Kaylin is Kaylin shares trick tutorials and enrichment ideas to help other dog parents have the best life with their dogs. Kaylin is also a Certified Trick Dog Instructor, Do More With Your Dog evaluator, and middle school teacher.
Episode 49: "Dogs Tug On Our Shirt, Too": The Importance of Puppy Socialization with Marge Rogers and Eileen Anderson
June 2nd, 2023 | 52 mins 48 secs
dog trainer, dog writer, practical puppy socialization, puppy socialization
Marge Rogers and Eileen Anderson co-wrote the book, Puppy Socialization, a wonderful resource that includes chapters on body language, video resources, and how to socialize without access to other dogs. They came on the Telltail Dog Training podcast to share how they met, why they wrote the book, and the feedback they've gotten so far.
Episode 48: “It’s Amazing What Those Little Dogs Can Do”: Talking Small Dogs with Vivian Pineda
January 27th, 2023 | 41 mins 51 secs
certified dog trainer, dog training, little dogs, positive reinforcement, small dogs, sports dogs, therapy dogs
Vivian Pineda shares her experience owning and working with small dogs, how to consider what small dog you'd like to bring home, and consent handling.
Episode 47: “It’s All About The People”: A Trainer’s Journey with Vivian Pineda
January 12th, 2023 | 34 mins 4 secs
certified dog trainer, dog training, dog training journey, positive reinforcement, small dogs, training journey
Vivian Pineda shares her training journey, how she narrowed her training focus, and what advice she has for folks who want to become dog trainers.
Episode 46: “I Wanted To Find A Way To Make Their Lives Better”: Workshopping Shy Dogs with Alicia Harantschuk
December 9th, 2022 | 35 mins 26 secs
certified dog trainer, dog training, journal, peer reviewed, positive reinforcement, positive reinforcement dog training, shy dogs, workshops
Alicia Harantshuck is back, and this time she's talking shy dogs and why she developed a workshop over helping the nervous pups, along with discussing the article she wrote for the IAABC journal.
Episode 45: “I Wasn’t Expecting All Of That”: Caring for People and Dogs with Kassidi Jones of Ginger’s Naps
November 20th, 2022 | 38 mins 57 secs
Kassidi Jones, the human behind the popular gingers_naps Instagram account, joins Elizabeth Silverstein of Telltail Dog Training to share her experience going viral, how she navigates the negativity and demands, how her studies impact her content, and the amount of joy that Ginger brings to her life.
Episode 44: "Sometimes I Call Them Perma-Toddlers": Managing Multiple Dogs with Renee Harding
September 30th, 2022 | 19 mins 55 secs
boston terrier, certified dog trainer, dog training, dogs, enrichment, enrichment for dogs, husky mix, multiple dogs, pitbull mix, rescue, rescue dogs, training for dogs
Renee Harding is back sharing her experience handling her three pups, Bob, Diesel, and Bonnie. She shares their daily schedule, the importance of bonding over nap time, and what she wishes she knew before adopting two young dogs within a few days of each other.
Episode 43: "Get To Know Your Individual Dogs": Managing Multiple Dogs with Meaghan Karney
September 2nd, 2022 | 19 mins 27 secs
dog training, homeless dogs, multiple dog integration, multiple dogs, rescue, rescue dogs, shelters
Meaghan Karney joins Elizabeth to discuss fostering and multiple dog integration. She has three pups of her own, Moose, Izzy, & Stella, and fosters Emma, a pup available for adoption through Arkansans Assisting Homeless Animals and the Little Pink Shelter. Meaghan is always happy to share her fostering experience and wants to get the word out how fostering saves lives.
Episode 42: "Have Individual Time": Managing Multiple Dogs with Kate Hosier
August 18th, 2022 | 33 mins 32 secs
certified dog trainer, dog interview, dog training, dogs, multiple dogs, pitbull mixes, pitbulls, training
Kate Hosier is back to discuss all things Tom, Huck, and Pepper Potts in the first installment focused on managing multiple dogs. Kate shares how she integrated Pepper in with the boys, some mishaps that happened along the way, and how she makes sure they get their individual time and training with her.
Episode 41: “My Awareness Changed”: Client Spotlight on Bob, Diesel, and Bonnie
July 29th, 2022 | 26 mins 54 secs
boston terrier, client spotlight, dog training, dogs, huskador, husky, pit
Renee Harding joins Elizabeth Silverstein of Telltail Dog Training to discuss how she ended up with two extra dogs when she was looking for just one, the struggles she's had with integration and training, and how working with Telltail Dog Training has helped communication between her, her human family, and all three of her pups.
Episode 40: "What Are My Options?": Responsible Rehoming with Cathy Madson
June 11th, 2022 | 43 mins 8 secs
behavior consultant, dog trainer, dog training, positive reinforcement, preventive vet, pupstanding academy, rehoming
Certified Trainer Cathy Madson of Preventive Vet joins Elizabeth Silverstein of Telltail Dog Training to discuss responsible rehoming. Transcript and other resources will be added soon!
Episode 39: "Little Frenchies Can Actually be Pretty Ferocious": Client Spotlight on Lily and Lola
June 2nd, 2022 | 6 mins 50 secs
Jenny McCallum joins Elizabeth Silverstein of Telltail Dog Training to discuss why she wanted a French bulldog, what happened when she brought home a second one, why she sought out training, and what goals she'd like to work on with Lily and Lola.
Episode 38: "Teach Your Dog How to Have Fun Engaging With You": Training Your Own Service Dog with Darby Peachman
May 27th, 2022 | 44 mins 18 secs
certified dog trainer, dogs, guide dog, guide dog trainer, guide dog training, service dog, service dog trainer, service dog training
Darby Peachman started balanced training with her service dog, Saturn. When a traumatic event caused Saturn to "wash", or have to leave his duties in assistance, Darby started to learn more about body language and training and transitioned into positive reinforcement. She educates on body language and service dog training through her Instagram, MyAnimalPlanets, as she shows retraining Saturn and starting off Neptune with his assistance training.
Episode 37: "We'd Love to Have You": Therapy Animal Registration with Katie Kasten of Pet Partners
April 26th, 2022 | 31 mins 49 secs
arkansas, central arkansas, pet partners, therapy dog, therapy dog training, therapy dogs
Katie Kasten is the Strategic Partnerships Coordinator for Pet Partners. She and her daughter, Kennedy, have volunteered with Pet Partners for over seven years, and Katie became staff with Pet Partners three years ago. Pet Partners has a proclamation from Pulaski County proclaiming April 30 as National Therapy Animal Day.
Episode 36: "Hugely Rewarding and Just a Lot of Fun": Training Your Own Assistance Dog with Hallie Wells
April 16th, 2022 | 25 mins 48 secs
certified dog trainer, dogs, guide dog, guide dog trainer, guide dog training, service dog, service dog trainer, service dog training
Hallie Wells, the owner of Lumos Dog Training and Behavior Services, is a service dog and pet behavior expert who started her career as the Puppy Program Manager for a nationally accredited service and guide dog school. In addition to being the owner and head trainer at Lumos, she is a pet trainer with Peach on a Leash with a focus on the VIP Development program and behavior modification. These positions have led her to offer online service dog training services and behavior consultations for dog owners and service dog users beyond the Atlanta area. She is a certified professional dog trainer through The Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers with a focus on providing modern, science-based training. Hallie joined Elizabeth Silverstein of Telltail Dog Training to discuss the difference between therapy, guide, service, and emotional support animals, what goes into training assistance dogs and how she helps people who need assistance dogs prepare their dogs for work.